UPDATE as of 11:13 AM CST
Self-park will be validated by the restaurant, there is also complimentary valet parking available.
The form has been closed. For information please contact James Tang at jamestangmd@gmail.com
Otezia: An Oral PDE4 Inhibitor for the Treatment of Adults with
Active Psoriatic Arthritis and Patients with Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis
presented by
Jesus Hernandez, MD, FACRFort Bend Rheumatology Associates, PLLC
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
2200 Post Oak Boulevard
Unit 160
Houston, TX 77056
Registration begins at 6:30 pm
Lecture at 7:00 pm
Attendees should plan to arrive prior to the beginning of the program and remain through the duration of the program.
Space is limited, so please RSVP by
5 pm July 10
using the following link: