Chinese Health Fair will be held on November 7, 2015

Health Fair

The Chinese Health Fair will be held on November 7, 2015 at 10303 Westoffice Dr., Houston, TX 77042. The topic this year is ophthalmology and it is led by Dr. Bernard Yu. There will be free screening for blood pressure, glucose and glaucoma and visual field.

Speaker topics include:
Macular degeneration/diabetic retinopathy

We need volunteers in the area of internal medicine, endocrine, ophthalmology and nutrition.

We also need about 20 blood pressure machine +cuffs to be lent to the event.

Please email David Huang,, if you are able to volunteer and/or lend us blood pressure machines.

Thank you.

David Huang


CADAH Keynote Vidoes


Fellow CADAH members:

The following are the links to Dropbox for the 2015 CADAH Gala Keynote speech by Dr. Lee.  The first link is for a mp4 file playable with Quicktime.  The second is a HD version that can be played with Windows Media Player.  



Asian American Pacific Islander Health Summit – November 20, 2015

Asian American Pacific


There is an Asian American Pacific Islander Health Summit coming up on November 20, 2015 in Houston at the Rice BioScience Research Collaborative on 6500 Main St. United Health Care is one of the underwriters of the meeting and they especially asked that Asian doctors be invited to this event. Registration is only $50, however, we will not be offering CME’s.

The anticipated audience will be researchers, community members, elected officials, students, and public health representatives. Special sessions will be held about the data gap in AAPI health information, mental health and issues for the Asian elderly community.

Flyer and registration packet are attached. If you have any questions or need more information please contact Beverly J. Gor.

Click here for flyer

Click here for registration

Beverly J. Gor, EdD, RD, LD
Staff Analyst
Office of Planning, Evaluation and Research for Effectiveness
Director’s Office
Houston Health Department
8000 North Stadium Drive
Houston, TX 77054
(832) 393-4738
(832) 577-5971 – Cell


CME Meeting on September 16 at Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen

CADAH logo2

Management of Gout

presented by
Dr. Prashanth Sunkureddi
ClearLake Rheumatology

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen
2410 Richmond Avenue
Houston, Texas 77098
7 pm

Attendees should plan to arrive before the designated start time and remain through the duration of the program.

Space is limited, so please RSVP by
Friday, September 11, 2015
using the following link:
Click here to RSVP


GreenLight Program


Dear CADAH members –

We are excited to announce that we are joining with GreenLight to make electronic mental health assessments available for our doctors.  We encourage you to use this important tool in your practice to screen for mental conditions in your patients that may need further medical attention.  See attached flyer for more information on how your can sign up.  Thank you.

Dr. Lina Ching

President, CADAH

Click here for more details


Help Volunteer and Complete this Survey


Hello CADAH members,

You are invited to participate in a survey for a research project conducted by Lan Ni, an Associate Professor in the Valenti School of Communication at the University of Houston. The project has been approved by the UH CPHS committee and aims to examine how community organizations can better communicate and build relationships with community members like you in order to enhance these members’ health awareness and communication in health issues. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to addressing the health concerns of Asian American community.

As a token of appreciation, you will receive $5 after you complete the survey. You will be asked to enter your contact information at the end of the survey so we can mail you the cash. Your contact information will be kept separate from your answers to the survey questions in order to protect your confidentiality. Below is the link to the survey:

English survey link:

When you click on the link, if the website asks for a password or any other identifying information, close the window and do not proceed. Instead, copy the link below and paste it into a new browser window. If problem persists, please email:

Please feel free to share with as many members in the Asian American community who might be interested in this project as possible. Thank you so very much!!
您受邀参与一个由休斯顿大学Valenti 传播学院Dr. Lan Ni 为主要项目负责人的研究项目。该项目研究社区组织如何能够有效的与社区成员进行交流并与他们建立关系,从而提升他们对健康问题的关注和传播交流。作为对您填写问卷的感谢,您将获取$5,请在问卷结束后跳转到另外一个页面上留下您的联系方式。





Thank you so much for your help and look forward to seeing you again in the future.


Lan Ni, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Jack J. Valenti School of Communication
University of Houston
A Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university
101 Communication Bldg., Room 149
Houston, Texas 77204-3002


Houston Restaurant Weeks 2015

2015 Restaurant Week

Houston Restaurant Weeks 2015

Dear CADAH members,

You are your guests are invited to CADAH Houston Restaurant Week dinner at
La Colombe d’OrFriday
August 28, 2015 at 6:30pm.
3410 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, TX, 77006

Their restaurant weeks’ menu is available for our CADAH event.(A la cart).
Menu attached. CLICK HERE


If you turn in your receipt to our treasurer, Dr. Jonathan Zhang, CADAH will reimburse each member’s portion.

Please RSVP by August 21, 2015.
(If you RSVP and do not show up, you will be expected to pay.)

Ying Ying Wood


Tzu-Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi Logo with Name

Dear Members,

The Tzu-Chi Foundation is having a Youth Camp from August 12-16, 2015 at their Office (6200 Corporate Drive, Houston, Texas 77036). We need healthcare volunteers between 10:00am and 6:00pm to offer medical first aid. There will be approximately 200 attendees. This is an excellent opportunity to continuing partner with Tzu-Chi in serving and improving the health of our Chinese community.

Please e-mail

If you can participate and let me know your specialty.

Thank you very much.

David Huang


Harris County Medical Society Council & Affiliated Medical Society


CADAH Memembers who are interested
We are now accepting:
Nominations for the 2016 Chair of the Harris County Medical Society Council of International and Affiliated Medical Societies; and
Reservations for the upcoming Council meeting on Wednesday, September 30 – 6:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. – Networking, 7 – 8 p.m. With a presentation at Tony Mandola’s on 1212 Waugh Drive. The meeting will be a discussion on “An overview of the Texas Medical Board’s Rules and Regulations Impacting International Medical Graduates” by Mari Robinson, Texas Medical Board Executive Director.

Nomination Process:
The Council Chair is a vital role that leads the overall direction of the council for the upcoming year and serves as our representative to the Executive Board. Your involvement in the nomination process is encouraged and needed. The Council must nominate three candidates to Chair the Council in 2016. You may nominate yourself, a representative from your organization, or a colleague on the Council by Tuesday, September 1.

Below please find more information on the chair responsibilities and election process.

Council Chair Responsibilities and Election Process:
The chair of the Council is elected by the HCMS Executive Board from among three nominees, submitted by the Council. While the nominees do not have to be current HCMS members, once elected, the chair must be an HCMS member. The responsibilities of the Chair are:
Plan, attend and conduct two Council meetings per year;
Be installed as a member of the 2016 HCMS Executive Board at the HCMS/HAM Installation of Officers on Friday, January 22, 2016;
Represent the international and affiliated medical societies as a member of the HCMS Executive Board, the governing board for HCMS, for a one-year term; and
Attend the eight 2016 Executive Board meetings.

To familiarize the Executive Board members with the nominees, each candidate is to submit a statement (about 5 sentences) reflecting his/her background that will showcase the candidate’s qualifications for the position. The statements will be included with the ballots given to the HCMS Executive Board prior to the election.

A strong statement should include:
Current practice setting
Relevant leadership experience
Anything else that may be of interest to the Executive Board

Please review the attached documents for a roster of the current members of the Council. The deadline for Council Chair nominations is Tuesday, September 1.

Meeting Information:
In the meantime, please register for the Wednesday, September 30 dinner and presentation at Tony Mandola’s on 1212 Waugh Dr. The meeting will be a discussion on “An overview of the Texas Medical Board’s Rules and Regulations Impacting International Medical Graduates” by Mari Robinson, Texas Medical Board Executive Director.

This meeting is for the president and President-elect of your society. If you are unable to join us, please send a representative on your behalf.

To submit your nomination and/or register for the upcoming meeting, simply reply to this email at your earliest opportunity.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


TMA Scholarship

TMA_logoCADAH is partnering with TMA to offer you this program to perform psychological testing for your patients in yuur office. A portion of the proceeds from your participation will go to the CADAH Foundation Scholarship Fund.

To sign up or for more information please contact Trina Gray,, or 832-372-8261.

Bank of America is starting a new relationship with CADAH

bank-of-america-logoBank of America recently started an awesome relationship offer for our selective clients. If anyone is interested in opening accounts with me at Bank of America, you may be able to get up to $2000 award. This offer is exclusively provided through me. Banking centers and associates in consumer banking level are not authorized to offer this.

Please feel free to call me to discuss.

Isabel Song
Vice President
Small Business Banking
Bank of America
Office: 713-314-1401, Mobile: 832-317-0582, Fax: 704-602-3696,
For immediate needs, dial 1.888.287.4637
Life’s better when we’re connected™


Reminder: CME Meeting on July 21, 2015



Dear CADAH Members,
Our next CME will be on Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
X-LSD Disease Education
Speaker: Dr. Joel Weinthal
McCormick & Schmick
1151-01 Uptown Park Blvd
Houston, TX 77056
July 21, 2015, 6-9 pm

Dr. Tom Garcia- President of Texas Medical Association, will be in attendance to introduce CADAH members to Greenlight- an electronic assessment tool for psychological testing, which can help improve patient care, practice revenue, and remuneration for CADAH Foundation.

Presentation will start immediately after educational program”

To attend, please register at:


CADAH Bowling Night

Bowling Design - Vintage

Palace Lane – July 11, 2015 5 – 9 PM

4191 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, TX 77025

Cost per person: $16/person(include shoes) Bring your family. Food and beverages extra. Number of People reserved: 20 Please RSVP with number of bowlers to by July 8, 2015. CADAH will sponsor $16(rental/shoes) for each member who attends the event.

Please submit your receipt to Dr. Ying Ying Wood or Dr. Lina Ching for reimbursement.


The Tzu-Chi Health Fair

CADAH FairThe Tzu-Chi Health Fair held on Saturday, May 30, 2015, from 9:30 to 12:00 noon at their Office (6200 Corporate Drive, Houston, Texas 77036) was a success. We had several CADAH members volunteer their time to offer medical and dental counseling.  There were approximately 10 physicians, 20 nurses, 5 dentists, and too many to count other volunteers serving approximately 200-250 low income residents from the general public of ethnic Chinese.

Click here to see more pictures




Thank you to Barbara Moon for the lovely photos of the 2015 CADAH AGA.

Click here to see more photos



Top Doctors Survey

Survey Logo



Welcome to Houstonia magazine’s third annual Top Doctors survey. Last year’s Top Doctors issue was enormously popular with readers, who have found it a very valuable resource to consult when seeking a physician for themselves or someone they love. Now it’s time to compile the 2015 list, and Houston’s best-selling magazine—at last count we had over 454,000 readers—is again seeking your help.

For this year’s survey, we are once more seeking top-doctor nominations from medical professionals throughout our area, and we’re asking all of them one question: If you or a loved one needed medical care, who’s the doctor you would call?

Any physician or nurse practitioner in our eight-county region with a valid Texas state medical license may participate in our survey, nominating one or more Houston-area doctors. For your convenience, our database contains a complete, updated list of the more than 14,000 physicians in Harris, Montgomery, Waller, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Galveston, Chambers, and Liberty counties. From your nominations will come Houstonia’s list of Top Doctors in 66 medical specialties.

So what do you say? If you or a loved one needed medical care, who would you call? Tell us by scrolling down and clicking the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page, and ensure that your opinion is heard. All nominations must be received by Friday, May 1 and will be kept anonymous and unattributed, used only as data to determine our Top Doctors list, which will be published in the August Houstonia. That deadline, again, is Friday, May 1.

For further information on Houstonia and its Top Doctors methodology, simply click here.

Any questions? Please ask! Email:




vote-buttonDear CADAH members,

This is a reminder that f you have not already voted in this year’s election of Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, please do so now.   Thank you.  Please go to this site to vote:

Click here to vote


2015 AGA Meeting Reminder

AGA Reminder

The CADAH Annual General Assembly (AGA) will be on
Sunday, April 19, 2015,
at the Junior League, Tea Room
beginning at 5:00 p.m.

This is our annual meeting and this year’s CADAH scholarship winners will be presented.
All CADAH members are invited and each member may bring a guest.
To reserve your seat(s), please click on link below.



2015 Ballot




CADAH Members,
Please cast your votes for Board of Directors, Supervisors, and Student and Resident Representatives by clicking on the site below.  Please vote before April 5, 2015.  Thank you.  Also, make plans to
attend the CADAH AGA on April 19, 2015.

Click here to vote


2015 CADAH Foundation Gala is a success

16618231037_f46c054734_zWe had a very successful 2015 CADAH gala on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at Fung’s Kitchen restaurant, thanks to the efforts of our gala committee and the support from our members and friends.  Dr. Yuan Tseh Lee, Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, 1986, was our keynote speaker.  We had a record turnout of 440 people for this event and raised over $17,000 for our scholarship fund.  Please go to this link to see pictures from the gala.  Our thanks to Dr. Mei Mei Mai for these pictures.  For those who could not make it this year, save the date, February 27, 2016, for our 23rd CADAH gala, which will be at Ocean Palace Restaurant next year. Thank you.